You Are What You Eat: 5 Ways To Glow Up From The Inside Out

We’ve all heard the old adage, “You are what you eat.” in relation to the food we eat and in maintaining our bodies optimal health and for warding off disease. Well babes, the exact same phytochemicals, vitamins, nutrients and minerals your body needs to function at its best are equally essential for clear skin, bright smiles, strong nails and clear, sparkling eyes.

Shun simple carbs as some research suggests the insulin spike caused by simple carbohydrates, such as white bread, pasta and sweets, may trigger a series of metabolic reactions that can lead to breakouts. And stock up on plenty of fruit and vegetables as an added bonus a diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables have fewer calories than other food groups, they also have plenty of fibre, so they’ll help you feel fuller for longer and helps to ward off cravings. If you want to get your glow on naturally, shed any extra pounds you may be carrying and look your absolute gorgeous best, keep to these diet guidelines below:

* Vitamin C: Make sure to also feed your face with vitamin C to help maintain collagen, the most important component of connective tissue contributing to the underlying foundation of your skin. The best sources of vitamin C includes citrus fruits and juices, broccoli, cauliflower, cantaloupe, strawberries, tomatoes, red peppers and green peas.

* Antioxidants: Found in abundance in colourful fruits and vegetables, these nutrients help combat signs of aging caused by the oxidation of our cells. Beauty foods that are potent sources of antioxidants include: pomegranates, prunes, concord grape juice, blueberries, blackberries, purple cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts, dried plums, kiwis, raspberries, strawberries, raw spinach, oranges, apples and watercress.

* Essential fatty acids: Certain polyunsaturated oils are called “essential” because they must be included in our diet. EFAs, like omega-3 and omega-6, may reduce inflammation that can clog skin and lead to wrinkles. Sources include seafood – such as salmon, sardines, trout and flounder – as well as almonds, walnuts and flaxseed.

* Maximize water, moderate alcohol: Water, and lots of it, will help keep your skin hydrated, while alcohol in excess of one 4-ounce drink a day can dry it out. Also, some dermatologists say alcohol’s dilation of fragile facial capillaries can cause and exacerbate rosacea.

* Healthy fat: While it’s always important to minimize artery-clogging saturated fat, don’t shy away from healthy monounsaturated fats, like olive oil and other liquid, plant-based oils that keep skin emulsified.

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Embrace the Glow: A Guide to Oily Skin Care for Women

I have written so many posts on oily skin over the years because I am so compelled to find different and new ways to manage this skin type. I can’t express how many times I have felt defeated when an almost flawless look was quite quickly ended with my sweaty pores peeping through. I have battled with my oily skin for a very long time, however by experimenting and trying different products and reviewing diverse skincare methods, I finally feel in control of my skins overall look and I now barely have any breakouts.

5 Reasons Why You Should Embrace Organic Skincare

Hey my loves, are you ready to elevate your skincare game to the next level? It’s time to embrace the wonders of organic skincare and let your skin soak up all the goodness nature has to offer. You may not believe it but on the 17th of this month I turn 39! the reason why this gets an exclamation mark is simply because; on a daily basis, so many people compliment me on how young I look and how good my skin looks and to be completely honest with you; the main reason why my skin is thriving at the moment is because I now use many more organic beauty products. So now the cat is out of the bag, here are five fabulous reasons why jumping on the organic skincare bandwagon is the best decision you’ll make for your skin:

Unveiling Radiance: Brightening Hero, A Comprehensive Review

In the quest for radiant skin, we often find ourselves navigating through a maze of beauty products, hoping to stumble upon the holy grail. Enter Brightening Hero – a beacon of light in the realm of skincare. Having put it to the test for a solid two weeks, I can confidently say, this product is more than just a mere skincare staple; it’s a transformative experience.


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