Organic Skin Care: Nature’s Best for Your Skin
“If it can be done naturally, why go for artificial means?” This is the basic premise of organic skin care. It’s the most natural way to care for your skin.
“If it can be done naturally, why go for artificial means?” This is the basic premise of organic skin care. It’s the most natural way to care for your skin.
Hey my loves, it’s been a hot minute since I wrote a post on something I am truly passionate about. But, if you follow me and you really pay attention to me, you will know that I am in love with Matcha Green Tea. I consume 2-3 cups a day and I credit my great skin and my youthful look to drinking this very tea. So are you ready to embark on a vibrant journey of health, energy, and mindfulness? Welcome to the enchanting world of matcha green tea—a superfood that has captivated hearts and taste buds around the globe. From its ancient roots in Japanese tea ceremonies to its modern-day popularity, matcha offers an array of benefits that make it a must-have in your daily routine. Let’s dive into the vivid green wonder and explore why matcha is a match made in heaven for your health and well-being.
I have written so many posts on oily skin over the years because I am so compelled to find different and new ways to manage this skin type. I can’t express how many times I have felt defeated when an almost flawless look was quite quickly ended with my sweaty pores peeping through. I have battled with my oily skin for a very long time, however by experimenting and trying different products and reviewing diverse skincare methods, I finally feel in control of my skins overall look and I now barely have any breakouts.
Do you ever wake-up and look in the mirror and realise that you’re no-where where you imagined you’d be? This has happened to me every single day since last Tuesday but today it feels more heavy than ever. It isn’t all bad…. I am rebranding Women Who Slay, I know my blog can grow and I am prepared to put in the work but at the same time, redundancy is around the corner, I am battling to clear debts I incurred after the closure of my online magazine and I feel deeply overwhelmed and very very stressed. So here’s a little life update……
I have started a new section on the blog where I share discount codes for brands I am working with. I am happy to once again be working with Joyshaper where my amazing online friends can use my LINK for 15% site wide. I have worked with Joyshaper on my YouTube channel and stand by the quality and affordability of their shape wear.
Everybody has things that they’re scared of: heights, the dark, spiders, etc being the most common of these. These are some of the fears that don’t have to impact people too much throughout their daily lives because for the most part, they can be avoided by not putting yourself in the situation where you have to tackle fear in the face. However, there are some fears that, for our own good, cannot be avoided. One of these is the fear of seeing the dentist.
U Got Jokes is a UK comedy production company specialising in providing audiences with the best comedy experiences, having access to the most exclusive comedians Worldwide. Brace yourself for a night filled with banter, fun, games, jokes and live music; culminating in a room full of belly laughs from a lineup not to be missed this Winter!
How has it been over a month since I graced my blog with a fashion post? I have to remind myself guys that outside of trying to keep up with social media; because that is a feat in its self. I am a blogger first and a proud blogger at that. I also have to often remind myself that there are many people who do read my posts. Maybe it’s because they don’t physically leave comments that leads me to think that no-one is there. However, once I have conversations with people, I learn that they do check and read my blog OFTEN. Also, the stats don’t lie. I’ve built something pretty cool here and no matter all the curve balls life keeps throwing my way; I have an obligation to keep coming onto my happy space and sharing the aspects of my life that make me feel happy and more complete.
Guys, listen we are definitely going to ignore the Elephant in the room and disregard the fact that I haven’t stuck to my own blogging schedule! I know, I know
If there is one thing that we all have in common, it’s that we are all aware of how our bodies feel when they feel normal and how they feel when something is desperately wrong. Your body will know when there is a problem going on inside and it will send you the signals you need to see it for yourself. The body is clever, and yours is no different!
I am a Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle blogger, an obsessed photo taker, a shopaholic and a herbal tea addict who loves to blog and to create quality content. I post honest reviews and only share content that I am passionate about.
This blog is my little slice of the interweb to share outfits, beauty tips and product reviews, good shopping deals, recipes and restaurant reviews + much more geared to helping you live a better and more positive life.
I hope you love reading my content as much as I enjoy producing it. xoxo