Staying In My Own Lane- A New Beginning For Sasha Shantel: The Blogger

Looking back on my journey, it’s been quite the rollercoaster. Ever since my teenage years, I’ve been juggling a multitude of roles—modeling gigs, pageant competitions, late-night study sessions, and diving headfirst into the world of entrepreneurship. Now, at the ripe age of 39, I find myself pausing to take stock of the winding path I’ve traversed.

It’s impossible to ignore the setbacks I’ve encountered along the way. Each stumble, each roadblock has tested my resolve. But you know what? I’ve managed to pick myself up, dust off the setbacks, and come back even stronger.

Now, let’s talk about the digital landscape, particularly the realm of social media. Despite pouring years of effort into building my online presence, I’ve hit a plateau. The partnerships and opportunities I’ve been hoping for just haven’t materialised. It’s forced me to rethink my game plan.

In the midst of this reflection, I’ve come to a profound realisation: I’ve been chasing someone else’s dream, not my own. Instead of trying to squeeze into a predefined mold, I need to embrace my true self and what I’m genuinely passionate about.

So, here’s the pivot: I’m stepping away from the pursuit of influencer status. Instead, I’m focusing on cultivating my own platform—a space that’s uniquely mine. A place where I can share my love for fashion, lifestyle, and the written word in a way that feels authentic.

From this point forward, you can call me Sasha Shantel—the fashion aficionado, the lifestyle enthusiast, the wordsmith extraordinaire. My commitment? To deliver content that’s not only engaging but also relatable, honest, and just a tad bit quirky.

Sure, it might feel like I’m hitting the reset button. But armed with the wisdom gained from years of experience, I’m ready to transform into something truly remarkable.

So, who’s with me on this journey? Let’s strap in, hold on tight, and embark on this adventure together. Because when we combine our passions with a dash of authenticity, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.

*Photography by Katie Ryan – @Katieryancreations


Unveiling the Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

Hey my loves, it’s been a hot minute since I wrote a post on something I am truly passionate about. But, if you follow me and you really pay attention to me, you will know that I am in love with Matcha Green Tea. I consume 2-3 cups a day and I credit my great skin and my youthful look to drinking this very tea. So are you ready to embark on a vibrant journey of health, energy, and mindfulness? Welcome to the enchanting world of matcha green tea—a superfood that has captivated hearts and taste buds around the globe. From its ancient roots in Japanese tea ceremonies to its modern-day popularity, matcha offers an array of benefits that make it a must-have in your daily routine. Let’s dive into the vivid green wonder and explore why matcha is a match made in heaven for your health and well-being.

A Relatable Post… Finding Light in the Darkness?

I can’t lie. I actually want to throw in the towel. As I write this, I have the urge to go off the grid, close all my accounts, and never be seen again. Life is really hard. Like, really hard. When I left school, ready to embark on this journey called life, I imagined it would be easier. Or if it wasn’t easier, I thought I would at least be able to find a way. Because I saw it: there is always a way.


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