5 Reasons Why Employers Conduct Pre-Employment Physicals

There’s one thing that every employer needs to do, especially if they were a small online business that now wants to expand and have a physical location (like a storefront), that would be engaging in employee help. This even goes as far as applicants and their health. When it comes to applicants, qualifications matter, but physical/ health matters just as much. 

Just think about it: if an applicant is in poor health, as awful as it sounds, they’re not going to be very productive. So, one thing that more and more employers are doing, especially with jobs that are work intensive, would be to conduct pre-employment physicals or even just standard annual physicals for current employees. So, here are some reasons why it’s a good idea to go ahead and conduct pre-employment physicals for applicants you’re considering hiring.

It Help Ensures Workplace Safety

This should be a given, but it’s not always about productivity but about the company not getting into any sort of trouble, having to deal with lawsuits, breaking regulations, or anything along those lines. So, one of the primary reasons for pre-employment physicals is to ensure the safety of both employees and the workplace. Certain jobs, especially those in physically demanding industries like construction, manufacturing, and healthcare, require employees to be in good physical condition. Conducting pre-employment physicals helps identify any health conditions or physical limitations that might pose a risk to the individual or their coworkers on the job. It’s vital to go ahead and look into seqohs safety critical medicals, as this could be one of the best ways to jump-start this (especially for smaller businesses.

Reducing Workers’ Compensation

As mentioned above, accidents can be pretty costly, so it’s something that you might want to try to avoid at all costs if you’re able to. So, by assessing the physical fitness of potential employees beforehand, employers can lower the likelihood of workplace accidents and injuries. This proactive approach can result in fewer workers’ compensation claims and lower insurance costs, benefiting both the company’s bottom line and the employee’s overall well-being. 

While yes, you need to care for your employees, you need to think about how costly and troublesome it is for you as a business owner. So, yes, workers’ compensation is good for employees, but you want to try to avoid all accidents at all costs. 

Legal Requirements

Sure, not all industries are the same, but there are some industries where you fully need to have all employers in tip-top shape and health. Think of airlines, for example; the legal requirement is for all flight attendants to hold up over 50 lbs above their heads.  You need to comply with industry standards; it’s vital. Compliance with these legal requirements is essential for avoiding penalties and liabilities. Plus, it keeps everyone safe, employees, the employer, and customers. 

It Helps Promote Wellness

One bright side to this is employee wellness. These physicals show how important health and wellness are to the company, and this will help make employees more aware of their health. 


Unveiling the Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

Hey my loves, it’s been a hot minute since I wrote a post on something I am truly passionate about. But, if you follow me and you really pay attention to me, you will know that I am in love with Matcha Green Tea. I consume 2-3 cups a day and I credit my great skin and my youthful look to drinking this very tea. So are you ready to embark on a vibrant journey of health, energy, and mindfulness? Welcome to the enchanting world of matcha green tea—a superfood that has captivated hearts and taste buds around the globe. From its ancient roots in Japanese tea ceremonies to its modern-day popularity, matcha offers an array of benefits that make it a must-have in your daily routine. Let’s dive into the vivid green wonder and explore why matcha is a match made in heaven for your health and well-being.

A Relatable Post… Finding Light in the Darkness?

I can’t lie. I actually want to throw in the towel. As I write this, I have the urge to go off the grid, close all my accounts, and never be seen again. Life is really hard. Like, really hard. When I left school, ready to embark on this journey called life, I imagined it would be easier. Or if it wasn’t easier, I thought I would at least be able to find a way. Because I saw it: there is always a way.


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