What You Need to Know About Pregnancy and Exercise

Pregnancy and exercise are a perfectly safe combination. In fact, doctors recommend you exercise when with child. Exercising when pregnant is usually safe, but it can be dangerous if done wrong. So, there are some things you need to be aware of first. Some are included here.

The Safety of Pregnant Exercises

You can keep working out during pregnancy and after giving birth. You can exercise at any time during pregnancy. But it might be best to start slow. With an ante-natal assessment, physiotherapy services can figure out if you are ready and able to exercise while you are pregnant. But you shouldn’t work out if you have serious problems like vaginal bleeding, pain in your abdomen or pelvis, or leaky amniotic fluid. Listen to both your body and your doctor.

Why Exercise When Pregnant?

Standard physical activity and exercise can make your heart muscles stronger and reduce the effects of common pregnancy constipation. Continuing to train is also essential after giving birth because it can make you feel better and lower your risk of getting deep vein thrombosis.

Research findings have shown that pregnant women who workout are much more likely to experience an easier vaginal birth and get better faster following the delivery of a baby.

Pregnancy and Exercise Amounts

At the moment, pregnant women and women who just had a baby are told to do at least 2.5 hours of moderately intense aerobic activity per week. You can do 30-minute workouts on five days of the week, or you can do shorter workouts throughout the day. But don’t give up if you can’t do the full amount. Any activity is better than nothing at all, especially when you’re pregnant. The hardest part is just making sure you don’t do too much if you are used to it.

If you are pregnant, you obviously need to take care with how much you exercise, but it is definitely still a good idea to do so. That is true whether you are having your own baby or you are doing it as a surrogate for someone else. Along with the issues of how much do surrogates make and how to find the right person to do it, there is also the important matter of keeping a healthy body, and that means regular exercise.

Exercises You Should Avoid

Don’t move in jerky or bouncy ways because the hormones you make when you’re pregnant cause the muscles and tendons that sustain your joints to loosen, which can make you more likely to get hurt. It would help if you also tried not to work out in hot places like Hot Yoga studios and make sure to drink plenty of water. Lastly, activities like crunches should be avoided so that the outer layer of the abdominal wall, which gives support when pregnant, can stay flexible.

Exercise and the Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor is a cluster of bones and muscles at the bottom of the pelvis. They connect the sit bones, the tailbone, and the pubic bone to make a bowl-shaped structure. Making the pelvic floor stronger throughout pregnancy may also help reduce the risk of peeing yourself, and painful and unsightly prolapse, both during pregnancy and after the baby is born. The idea is that if you can get stronger during pregnancy, you’ll heal essential parts faster after giving birth.


For the most part, exercising when pregnant is perfectly safe and recommended for various reasons. Yet there are some things you need to know about pregnancy and exercise. These include the safety of it, how much you should exercise, and how to strengthen the pelvic floor.


5 Ways of Feeling More Comfortable When Exercising

While it’s true that to really get the effects of a workout that you need to push yourself to your limits, it’s also really important that you feel comfortable at the same time. If you feel uncomfortable then you’re more likely to skip going to the gym or popping in that fitness DVD. So where’s the balance? Let’s take a look at some ways of feeling more comfortable when you’re exercising so that you can hit your fitness goals faster.

7 Simple Changes That Will Supercharge Your Wellness

Sometimes, upping your wellness levels can mean a major overhaul of your entire lifestyle, but you know what? It really doesn’t have to be that way. It is totally possible to make a few simple swaps and changes to make a whole lot of difference to your health and wellbeing, as you will see below.

Why Strength is the Real Key to Longevity

hen we are trying to find the essential ways of looking after our health we can spend a lot of time digging deep into the right diet habits and approaches that are considered gospel. The biggest problem is that when we are chasing the latest fads, thinking it’s the key to longevity, we are neglecting our own body in the process. We are individuals, and when it comes to longevity, there are three things that it is influenced by: genetics, environment, and lifestyle. We can’t do anything about our genetics, and apart from moving to another climate, there is very little we can do about our environment. When it comes to lifestyle, there are so many factors, but here are two key approaches that we should all think about when it comes to longevity that focus on one key thing: strength. 


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