Tips On How To Manage A Stressful Lifestyle

Living a fast-paced life? Need to fuel your body and mind to keep up? Here are some tips and a diet system that works for individuals who are looking to manage a stressful lifestyle. Remember to visit the Genesis supplement store to stock up on high-quality supplements.

So what diet should you go on?

The right diet will depend on your needs and background. Some people need to lose weight and don’t have the time or energy to exercise regularly. For these people, it makes sense to focus their attention primarily on burning calories through dieting rather than exercise. Others might be in pretty good shape already but aren’t happy with how they look after eating junk food all week. These individuals should concentrate more of their efforts on adding exercise into their routines. 

Here is an example of a high protein diet plan that is good for weight loss:

  • Dieters should consume as many fruits/vegetables to get the recommended amount of servings. These foods are high in fibre and help dieters feel full. It also helps dieters from feeling hungry immediately after a meal.
  • Dieters should avoid high carb snacks like crackers and chips.
  • Dieters should take advantage of healthy low cal snacks such as almonds, pistachios and walnuts.
  • Dieters may enjoy one skim latte if they don’t drink coffee on the regular basis.

Diet Tip 1: 

Eat plenty of protein. Protein helps you burn more calories than fats or carbohydrates so it’s important to include it in your diet every day. 

Diet tip 2: 

Dieters should cut down on foods that are high in calories but don’t fill you up. Examples of these types of foods are diet bars, diet shakes and diet pop (diet soft drinks). 

Diet tip 3: 

Dieters should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. These are high fibre which helps dieters feel full faster.

Fitness Plan to manage a stressful lifestyle 


Exercise is one way to release happy hormones in your body such as endorphins and dopamine. It’s important for individuals who have a stressful lifestyle to exercise 5 days per week for at least 30 minutes each time. 

Here is an example of a good fitness plan:

  • Monday – lift weights for 1 hour
  • Tuesday – speed walk around the neighbourhood for 45 minutes 
  • Thursday – jog for 1 hour 15 minutes 
  • Friday – lift weights for 1 hour 
  • Saturday and Sunday rest days 

Find out what exercise is best suited to your body. It’s important to pick an exercise plan that you can stick with over time.

Supplement Tip:

Supplements are not a replacement for hard work. They should be used as a complement to a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Sleep Tip: 

The National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of sleep for adults. If you normally get less than that, try going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night until your body adjusts. By then, you’ll be comfortable with the new time and may get some extra sleep in the morning.


Celebration at The Ivy Cafe, Blackheath

The past few months have been incredibly eventful, filled with significant moments that have reshaped my mindset and focus for the future. I plan to write individual posts about each of these transformative experiences, but one stands out that I must mention first – my mum and I wrote a book! Yes, after years of starting and stopping, we’ve finally become authors! I’ll be dedicating a full blog post to this amazing achievement soon. But for now, to celebrate, my best friend treated us both to a wonderful meal at The Ivy Cafe in Blackheath, London.


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