Things To Do In South: Visit The New Nando’s In Peckham

It’s a new week guys and with a very bad start to the week, I often become deflated and as a result… procrastinate. But, this time things are different. I was angry for a while but then I found myself wanting to productive and creative and get as much done as possible. It’s so easy to allow low moods to knock you down, but no matter what; you have to keep going and keep putting one foot in front of the other. So that’s exactly what I am doing.  I had been meaning to get this latest food post up on here the week I actually visited the Nando’s but then I sat on it and started something new. But having taken a second glance of the images, I had to ensure I share them with you.

So I’ve been saying for quite a while that Peckham is on the map and there are new stores opening each month. A number of months ago, Nando’s popped up and I’m sure you can imagine, there was practically a stampede at the door. Now to be honest, I don’t really partake in foolishness like this as everyone who hasn’t resided under a rock, knows what Nando’s food looks and tastes like and the decor is pretty much the same, no matter where it is located.

Or so I thought!

Having set up a meeting with a friend, who then called to say she was running late. I began to get more than a little peckish so I decided to venture into Nando’s to see what it looked like.

I was more than pleasantly surprised by how it looked. The decor was stylish, with low hanging chandeliers, green leather chairs, a beautiful mix of colours along the walls, bright and vibrant wall art, wooden panels and it was very spacious. Upon walking, you would never quite imagine you was in Peckham, it totally took me by surprise.

When it came to the food, I am honestly a ‘one trick pony’ as I eat the same thing, no matter when and where.

I opted for my personal favourite which is: (In case any of my lovely readers want to treat me to a cheeky Nandos’.

*Quarter Chicken (Medium Hot)
*Spicy Rice
*Normal Fries
*and a Coke.

Not the most healthiest of options but one that always fills the gap. It tasted as good as it always does. The food came fast and the service was great too.

I would recommend you pass through it if you are in South London and fancy checking out just how much Peckham is changing on a daily basis. Nando’s is definitely a great addition and I can’t wait to see what else pops up in the coming months.


Unveiling the Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

Hey my loves, it’s been a hot minute since I wrote a post on something I am truly passionate about. But, if you follow me and you really pay attention to me, you will know that I am in love with Matcha Green Tea. I consume 2-3 cups a day and I credit my great skin and my youthful look to drinking this very tea. So are you ready to embark on a vibrant journey of health, energy, and mindfulness? Welcome to the enchanting world of matcha green tea—a superfood that has captivated hearts and taste buds around the globe. From its ancient roots in Japanese tea ceremonies to its modern-day popularity, matcha offers an array of benefits that make it a must-have in your daily routine. Let’s dive into the vivid green wonder and explore why matcha is a match made in heaven for your health and well-being.

A Relatable Post… Finding Light in the Darkness?

I can’t lie. I actually want to throw in the towel. As I write this, I have the urge to go off the grid, close all my accounts, and never be seen again. Life is really hard. Like, really hard. When I left school, ready to embark on this journey called life, I imagined it would be easier. Or if it wasn’t easier, I thought I would at least be able to find a way. Because I saw it: there is always a way.


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