Lifestyle Blog

5 Ways of Feeling More Comfortable When Exercising

While it’s true that to really get the effects of a workout that you need to push yourself to your limits, it’s also really important that you feel comfortable at the same time. If you feel uncomfortable then you’re more likely to skip going to the gym or popping in that fitness DVD. So where’s the balance? Let’s take a look at some ways of feeling more comfortable when you’re exercising so that you can hit your fitness goals faster.

What To Do After An Accident At Work

Being involved in an accident at work can be a traumatic experience, and it is necessary to take certain steps after the incident to ensure your safety and well-being. The following five steps should be taken to handle the situation effectively and ensure that you receive the necessary medical attention and any other assistance you may need.

Bad Habit Or Unhealthy Addiction?

There’s a fine line between a bad habit and an unhealthy addiction. This post explains exactly how to tell whether a bad habit has become an unhealthy addiction, and what you can do to put things right.

5 Tips In Becoming A Pescatarian For A Healthier Life

If you’re looking to improve your health, consider becoming a pescetarian! This type of vegetarianism focuses on consuming fish and other seafood as their main source of protein. While there are some benefits to following a pescetarian diet, it’s important to be aware of the potential pitfalls too. This blog post will discuss the 10 tips for becoming a successful pescetarian!

5 Fun Hobbies to Explore Your Creativity

Creativity is a powerful force that can help you thrive in an increasingly competitive workforce. Creative thinking and problem-solving skills are sought after by employers as they become more automated and digitised. If your day-to-day routine has left you feeling creatively depleted, it might be time to take up a new hobby that allows you to explore your creativity. Here are 5 creative pursuits that will help unleash your creativity and make you stand out from the crowd:

7 Reasons Why You Should Get Moving

If you are lacking in motivation and in need of some inspiration to get started on your summer body in these cold winter months, whether you’re working out at home, in the gym or in the park alone, or with a friend, here are 8 reasons that will help to get you moving and keep you moving.

4 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Dealing with Stress

Stress can arise from various things such as the demands of your job, juggling your daily responsibilities, past experiences, etc. However, how you deal with stress can make all the difference. A study revealed that about 1 in every 14 adults in the UK feel stressed daily. Handling stress takes an intentional effort, and here are some things to avoid when doing so. 

My 6 Favourite Scents – Sasha Shantel

Hey guys, I have developed a major passion for perfumes and have been dedicated to growing my collection of must own scents for everyday and special occasions. I have seen a number of YouTubers share their favourite perfumes so it was only right that I share with you some of my current and all-time favourites. Have a watch and if you like what you see, please do Like, Comment & subscribe to my channel.

Tips To Stop Your Spin Class From Spinning Out Of Control

Exercise classes can provide a fantastic way to boost your energy levels and incentivise your fitness drive. Obviously, sessions like these come in all shapes and sizes, but for those of us looking to have a good time, modern options like spin class can seem like the ideal choice.