Fitness & Wellbeing

How To Stay Healthy This Winter: How To Prep Your Mind, Body and Home

With winter setting in, the lure of cozy sweaters and crackling fires is strong. But to stay healthy and active all year long, we must prepare our minds and bodies ahead of time. From stocking up on remedies for itchy ears and throat to planning daily exercise routines, here are three key steps you can take to stay healthy this winter:

What You Need to Know About Pregnancy and Exercise

Pregnancy and exercise are a perfectly safe combination. In fact, doctors recommend you exercise when with child. Exercising when pregnant is usually safe, but it can be dangerous if done wrong. So, there are some things you need to be aware of first. Some are included here.

How To Get Yourself Into Better Shape

The good news is that if you aren’t physically fit currently, you can head down a different path with some effort and lifestyle changes. Once you commit to it, it won’t be long before you love the way you look and feel. Be proud of yourself for being willing to put in the hard work and refocus your energy in a positive way.

The Best Guide to Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

It’s fair to say that regularly having a full night of quality rest is so important for countless different aspects of your life. 

However, it can often seem really hard to achieve this, especially if you are suffering from high levels of stress or anxiety. Lack of sleep can lead to bad memory, shortened attention span, and overall a worse quality of life amongst other things, so there’s no time like the present to make a few positive changes so that you can sleep better.

8 Reasons Why You Should Get Moving

Hey guys, you wouldn’t guess what?? Your girl has Covid19 and I have been battling it for nearly two weeks. The worst thing about this was the fact that prior to becoming unwell, I had just successfully ventured back into my morning exercise and was really ready to begin toning up and sculpting my body. (Because summer bodies are made in the Autumn/Winter period!) So you can imagine; I am feeling pretty crappy that I haven’t been able to get up and exercise for quite a while now. What’s worse; and believe me, it can get much worse.

How Walking Taller Helps Your Appearance

Whether you want to look more attractive or just feel better in yourself, there are some pretty easy changes you can make which can make a huge difference to this. One of them, for instance, is to learn to walk a little taller and sit a little straighter. Having good posture is directly related to looking good, and in this post we are going to discuss just how this might be. If you can remember the following, you should find that you are going to feel a lot better about yourself in no time.

Beauty Through Your Eyes Only

What if they told you that beauty was more than what met the eye? It’s true! In fact, there are many different ways to appreciate and experience beauty. Today, you’re going to focus on beauty through your eyes only. This means looking at things in a new way – with fresh eyes. Some tips for doing this and sharing some of your favourite examples of beauty seen in everyday life will be discussed. So put down that mascara wand and keep reading – your new perspective on beauty is just ahead!

The Positive Effect of Mindfulness

There are a plethora of positive outcomes associated with practicing mindfulness. Studies have shown that it can help people sleep better, lessen feelings of stress and depression, and even lessen the pain they feel. This article will discuss the benefits of mindfulness and offer suggestions for incorporating it into your daily life to improve your emotional wellbeing.

5 Tips In Becoming A Pescatarian For A Healthier Life

If you’re looking to improve your health, consider becoming a pescetarian! This type of vegetarianism focuses on consuming fish and other seafood as their main source of protein. While there are some benefits to following a pescetarian diet, it’s important to be aware of the potential pitfalls too. This blog post will discuss the 10 tips for becoming a successful pescetarian!

How You Can Wake Up Looking Less Stressed

Getting up can, rather strangely, be a nightmare. Whether you’re a morning person or not, you can have bad days. So here are some top tips for waking up looking less stressed.