5 Weird Things That Happen as You Get Older

The one thing that you have in common with every other person on the planet is that you get a day older each day! You probably don’t notice or think about that fact, and even when you get to a point in life where you do, you don’t give it much thought.

You may not know it now, but some interesting or ‘weird’ things happen as you get older. If you haven’t reached that stage in your life yet, take a look at these top changes you can expect and even prepare yourself for:

1. You Actually Like Eating Things You Used to Hate

Let’s face it: there are loads of things that you always tell yourself you’d never eat, even if someone paid you a million pounds! The shocking truth is that, when you get older, you actually change your mind about some of those things and enjoy eating them!

It’s a weird concept to consider. Unfortunately for you, it will happen – whether you want it to or not.

2. You Start Planning For the Future

You’ll never give up planning your day with fun things and doing fun things like socialising with your friends, going on holiday loads and generally enjoying your life. However, one thing you’ll also be doing is planning for your future.

That means you’ll start looking for someone to settle down with; you may even plan to have kids, buy a house, and even look at the cost of funerals and pre-pay yours, as morbid as that might sound to some people!

3. You’ll Start Thinking About Boring Stuff

Who cares about whether your neighbour used a specific brand of paint on their fence panels? Or whether your mate prefers one brand of bread over another for their breakfast? You will, in the not so distant future!

One of the weirdest things you’ll notice about yourself as you get older is you’ll start thinking about all kinds of boring and irrelevant questions and topics.

4. You Always Want to Sleep

You might be a party animal right now and survive on three or so hours of sleep. However, as you get older, you’ll decide that late nights aren’t really your ‘thing’ anymore. You may even sometimes wish you could get away with having an ‘early night’ every night!

It sounds like a shocking statement to make. But, as you get older, you’ll decide that sleep is a more attractive option to staying up all night until sunrise!

5. You’ll Start Sounding Like Your Parents

Arguably the scariest of weird things on this list is you’ll start sounding like your parents. Not in a literal sense, of course, but instead, you will begin to say the kinds of things they often say to you.

It doesn’t matter how hard you try not to say the same things that your parents do. You will still end up saying those things!

Save a link to this page in your browser and check it out again after five or ten years. It might shock you how some of the above weird statements have become a reality!


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