Simple Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments That Will Transform Your Smile

A smile is often the first thing that people will notice about another person. It can show how friendly or warm somebody is, and how likely they are to strike up a conversation. But with so many adults throughout the world embarrassed about their smiles for various reasons, it’s hard to base the fact of whether you wish to spend time with people based on their smiles alone.

If you’re usually one to hide away your smile because you feel that it is less than perfect, then thankfully, there are some simple cosmetic procedures as suggested by this dentist that will not only leave your teeth healthier but looking that way too.

Here are just a few of them to consider. 

Tooth Whitening

Drinking coffee and tea, red wine, or smoking regularly can alter the appearance of your teeth- as can not brushing properly. The pigments found in these drinks and nicotine can stain your teeth significantly and can dull your smile. 

Lots of people these days have used many different methods to attempt to whiten their teeth. Some of these include; using a whitening toothpaste, activated charcoal, bicarbonate of soda, or more natural methods such as oil pulling (that is not backed up by science, but plenty of people on the internet swear by it!). There are other methods such as using a special formulation at home with UV light to bring out the brightness of a smile. However, some of these methods can be unsafe, and you should consider speaking with a licenced cosmetic dentist to help you to whiten your teeth. 

Invisible Braces 

The days of metal wires poking into your gums and cheeks may well be over if getting a brace has put you off from fixing your teeth. Clear braces are a good option for those who wish to ‘hide’ the fact that they are undergoing teeth straightening treatment

Made from clear plastic, they sit over your natural teeth and works in the same way as a metal brace in that it gently pushes your teeth into position.

A dental practitioner will take an impression of your mouth and use technology to create your bespoke brace which will be used to shape your teeth over several months. The process could take between 12 and 24 months. Over the entire treatment time, several veneers will be prescribed to fit your newly positioned teeth, as well as a retainer to use at night so that your teeth stay in excellent shape. 


If you only need a little alteration for your crooked teeth then veneers may be a great option for you. 

Similar to the clear brace option, veneers will sit on the teeth but they won’t have the same impact on teeth as they do not change the position of the crooked teeth. 

They are a good cosmetic dental option if you’re looking for a complete smile makeover. Composite resin or porcelain are used to cover individual teeth– so patients can choose to just cover one or all of their teeth. 


5 Reasons Why You Should Embrace Organic Skincare

Hey my loves, are you ready to elevate your skincare game to the next level? It’s time to embrace the wonders of organic skincare and let your skin soak up all the goodness nature has to offer. You may not believe it but on the 17th of this month I turn 39! the reason why this gets an exclamation mark is simply because; on a daily basis, so many people compliment me on how young I look and how good my skin looks and to be completely honest with you; the main reason why my skin is thriving at the moment is because I now use many more organic beauty products. So now the cat is out of the bag, here are five fabulous reasons why jumping on the organic skincare bandwagon is the best decision you’ll make for your skin:

Unveiling Radiance: Brightening Hero, A Comprehensive Review

In the quest for radiant skin, we often find ourselves navigating through a maze of beauty products, hoping to stumble upon the holy grail. Enter Brightening Hero – a beacon of light in the realm of skincare. Having put it to the test for a solid two weeks, I can confidently say, this product is more than just a mere skincare staple; it’s a transformative experience.

1990 Beauty Caffeine Gel Booster Review

I don’t know if you notice but recently I’ve been much more interested in speaking about beauty products. Now I am approaching the big 40; I am more invested than ever in my skincare and finding top quality products that will help to enhance my skin and positively add to my current skincare regimen which is working really well at the moment. However, I am always on the look out for that ‘little extra’ and have found it!


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