Hi guys, welcome to my online space on the web!
I am Sasha Shantel a certified Transformation and Mindset Coach. (You can access all of my services on womenwhoslay.co.uk)
I first started blogging in 2007 where I ran a personal development blog called “Words, Thoughts and Reflections”, a blog dedicated to content based around helping my readers to deal with life, based on my own experience.
In 2015, I rebranded and took time out to redefine my focus and discover what direction I wanted to take my personal brand in. I began developing an interest in sharing posts on my personal style, beauty and lifestyle.
After a break during the initial stages of the Covid19 pandemic, I worked on redeveloping my content and posting more regularly.
So here’s a warm welcome to Sashashantel.com my online safe space where I share my insights on personal style and mainstream fashion, beauty reviews, food, travel, entertainment, and all the fun aspects of living a positive life. Thank you very much for stopping by and for being apart of my blogging journey, I hope you enjoy reading my content as much I enjoy producing it.