Sasha Shantel blogger

Top 10 Tips for Breaking the Fast Food Habit

While fast food outlets keep advertising healthier menu items, a recent study found that most choices have become more fattening over the past 30 years. You’re likely to be consuming extra calories and sodium with each order.

What Role Does Blogging Play in a Small Business?

When it comes to setting up a small business, you will have a list of priorities; chances are blogging is fairly low on that list, but that shouldn’t be the case. Blogging has been around for a while, but it has lasted for a reason. Blogging is a free and fast way to build a loyal audience.  

Happy New Year…. But First Let’s Purge & Reflect…

This is my first post of 2023 and we are already 8 days in. As excited as I have been about this year (please don’t ask me why I am excited, it just feels a little different to last year.) I still have a few hangups that I need to get off my chest before the year OFFICALLY begins on here.