fitness and wellbeing

The Importance Of Being Active For Success

Being physically active is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. However, it can be tricky to remain active as you grow older. You accumulate more responsibilities, either at work or in your everyday life and, as a result, you find yourself running out of time. 

7 Reasons Why You Should Get Moving

If you are lacking in motivation and in need of some inspiration to get started on your summer body in these cold winter months, whether you’re working out at home, in the gym or in the park alone, or with a friend, here are 8 reasons that will help to get you moving and keep you moving.

Tips to Level Up Your Workouts

Consistency is the ultimate game-changer when it comes to an effective workout routine. However, those normal gym routines can often get a little tedious, which can often make it harder to stay motivated or find yourself plateauing with your progress. 

Fun Ways To Enjoy The Outdoors More This Year

There is a lot that spending time in nature can do for you. For one thing, fresh air is always beneficial, and you will discover that simply getting out into nature more often is worthwhile. It is also true that spending time in nature has the ability to relax and calm you, and it is known to be beneficial to the nervous system. If you suffer from anxiety or something similar, this could be something to think about because it is a great way to clear your mind. If you want to spend more time in nature this year, there are many things you can do to make it much easier on yourself. Let’s take a closer look.

Want To Keep Healthy As You Age? Here’s How

Staying healthy can be difficult at the best of times. As you get older, that could become more difficult. You might find that you’ll have more issues to address, and older problems may be getting worse.
While you might think that these are things you have to put up with as you get older, that doesn’t have to be the case. Though some age-related issues might be unavoidable, you can minimize the impact of aging with a few specific habits.

First Time Going Yoga?

Doing anything for the first time can be a little bit intimidating, can’t it? If you are going to yoga for the first time and you feel a little bit scared about doing so, you’re not alone. A lot of people feel this way when it comes to taking their first yoga class. However, rather than letting this scare you, all you need to do is make sure that you are prepared. That is exactly what we are going to help you with in this blog post. Read on to discover some of the different things you need to know about taking a yoga class for the first time.

How To Motivate Yourself To Workout (& Stick To It)

Regular exercise can provide both the mind and body with numerous benefits, from encouraging better sleep to helping to maintain a healthy weight, yet motivating yourself to get up and work out frequently can be surprisingly difficult. Exercising is likely the last thing on your mind when you arrive home from a long shift behind a desk, but in reality this is the ideal way to end the day. Luckily, there are several simple tips and tricks that you can make the most of to stay inspired when working out, and it needn’t be as tough as you might expect to get started today. So, if you would like to find out more, then read on to uncover some of the best steps that you can follow today to learn to love exercise in no time at all!

Top Tips For Running Recovery

Lots of people took up running in 2020, so there are more new runners than ever. If you’re one of those new runners, and you’re planning on training for a marathon or a half-marathon, taking part in a charity run, or are just running for fun, then you need to know how to properly recover from a long run. Maybe you sometimes find yourself dreading the post-run soreness and fatigue. When you push your body to perform intense exercise that it might not be used to, it is good to know what to do to aid recovery after your run or running event. Here are some of the top tips to help you to recover after the event.